Taming Complexity with the Visitor Pattern: A Cleaner Approach to Object Operations
technologyGeneral ProgrammingJavaScript

Taming Complexity with the Visitor Pattern: A Cleaner Approach to Object Operations

Sylvester Das
3 min

Imagine you have a zoo with a variety of animals – lions, monkeys, and dolphins. Each animal needs different care: lions need feeding with meat, monkeys need grooming, and dolphins need training. How do you write code that can perform these specific actions without a tangled mess of if statements? That's where the Visitor pattern comes in handy!

Introduction to the Visitor Pattern

The Visitor pattern is a powerful design pattern that lets you add new operations to a collection of objects without modifying the objects themselves. Think of it like having a specialized zookeeper (the visitor) who knows how to interact with each animal (the object) in a specific way.

The Problem with instanceof Checks

A common mistake when implementing the Visitor pattern is relying on instanceof checks within the visitor's methods. This creates tightly coupled code, making it difficult to add new animal types or care activities in the future. Let's illustrate this with an example (JavaScript):

class Lion { }
class Monkey { }
class Dolphin { }

class Zookeeper {
  visit(animal) {
    if (animal instanceof Lion) {
      console.log("Feeding the lion with meat.");
    } else if (animal instanceof Monkey) {
      console.log("Grooming the monkey.");
    } else if (animal instanceof Dolphin) {
      console.log("Training the dolphin.");

const zookeeper = new Zookeeper();
zookeeper.visit(new Lion()); // Output: Feeding the lion with meat.
zookeeper.visit(new Monkey()); // Output: Grooming the monkey.

This seems fine at first, but imagine adding a new animal, like a Giraffe. You'd have to modify the Zookeeper.visit() method, which violates the Open/Closed Principle (software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification).

The Elegant Solution: Double Dispatch

The Visitor pattern’s true power lies in "double dispatch." Instead of the visitor checking the type of the object, the object itself tells the visitor how to handle it. This requires a small change in our animal classes:

class Lion {
  accept(visitor) {

class Monkey {
  accept(visitor) {

class Dolphin {
  accept(visitor) {

class Zookeeper {
  visitLion(lion) {
    console.log("Feeding the lion with meat.");
  visitMonkey(monkey) {
    console.log("Grooming the monkey.");
  visitDolphin(dolphin) {
    console.log("Training the dolphin.");

const zookeeper = new Zookeeper();
zookeeper.visit(new Lion()); // Output: Feeding the lion with meat.

Now, adding a Giraffe is simple:

class Giraffe {
  accept(visitor) {

// ... in Zookeeper class ...
visitGiraffe(giraffe) {
    console.log("Feeding the giraffe with leaves.");

No modifications to existing classes are needed!

Practical Implications

The Visitor pattern shines when you need to perform operations on a heterogeneous collection of objects and want to avoid modifying those objects directly. It's particularly useful in compilers, game development, and rendering engines.


The Visitor pattern offers a flexible and maintainable way to add operations to object structures. By leveraging double dispatch, you can avoid the pitfalls of instanceof checks and keep your code clean and extensible.

Inspired by an article from https://hackernoon.com/how-to-implement-the-visitor-pattern-correctly?source=rss

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